Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Truth About a Young Girl

*Note: This is not directed towards anyone. Do not take it personal if it sounds similar to something you've experienced. Thanks :)

Young Girl born and raised in the Bronx. Raised by both parents. 1 of 3 siblings. Pretty, smart girl with a smile that can light up all of downtown New York. At age 13, young girl started to crush - except unlike most crushes, young girl fell pretty hard. Long story short, at age 13, she was introduced to a new world. Young girl broke out of her shell, opened her pretty brown eyes, and began to see the world in black and white. Heartbroken, young girl cried her eyes out every night for a month; wishing it was all a dream. Young girl was violated to the fullest extent & at age 14, young girl had an addiction; ok, well maybe not an addiction, but young girl couldn't see the world inside out. She couldn't see how guys used and abused her both physically and mentally. BUT one day, young girl woke up. She realized it was time to speak up. So young girl continued to do well in school, however, she didn't continue to partake in all types of sexual activities with young men. Young girl started to do well. However, guy #1 (first crushed mentioned earlier) came back, and young girl wasn't aware of what was next. Abused and mistreated, young girl called it quits, and kept it pushing. So, one day, young girl meets her next BIG crush & he was her 'Mr. Perfect.' She was happy now, not feeling pressured to do anything and smiling all the time. BUT again, guy #1 came around, 'copin the plea' and again, young girl decides to give him another chance. Yet again, young girl is played like a fool, except this time she dosen't cry & this time she dosen't complain. This time, young girl says 'you know what I'm better than this. .' Except now, young girl will NEVER forget, and nor will she regret ever standing by his side. To this very day, this young girl has experienced more heartbreaks and heartaches than happiness; Smiling all the time, this young girl is nothing but sad inside. Screaming on the inside, smiling on the outside; Emotionally damaged; Hiding from the pain. Why won't he love her? she wonders. A lesson learned. Almost 17, this young girl is now dead. Buried in some cemetery, 6ft. under and no one ever comes to visit. Suicidal because of pressure and pain. Dead. Another young body added to the list. Engraved on her tombstone: 'Somewhere we went wrong, our love is like a song - but you won't sing along. You've forgotten about.. US' - & he has yet to notice, that THAT young girl is dead; so dead. . .

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Unspoken Truth (My Truth)

Ciao. I go by the name of Bella, however, close friends & family have tendency to call me DaniShay. I'm a teen far beyond average and way too advanced for one's age, I'll admit. I'm very mature, however, your only as old as you want to be. I've been told I have a smile that can light up a room any time of day (million dollar smile) & yes, I am ALWAYS smiling - literally always. I love to laugh & make jokes; heyy - I like to live a little; Oh & I'm crazy but we won't get into that. ANYWAYS, I'm a student and a performer. I enjoy participating in/watching shows of all sorts - such as dance, musical theater, or fashion. I have a special love for music and dance; that's my way of expressing myself through words and movement. I recently was introduced to a 'new love' which is musical theater, and I absolutely love it. My passion for fashion will always be my first love, above ALL - that's my way of expressing myself without words. I wouldn't say life is great, but you live and you learn. I've made mistakes in which I have learned from, but I believe that as long as you don't make the same mistake twice your on the right track (however, I've did that too - smh). Life has had it's up's and down's but I've learned to live with the good and the bad. I don't really believe in the term "friends" however, there are about 5 people, that I truly do consider REAL friends & they know who they are (shoutouts to you guys!) I like to write, not like poems or anything, but just about my feelings and emotions in general. I aspire to become a physician assistant and live in a big house with a pool in my backyard (holllaaa) ; however, if that dosen't work out, you will find me behind the scenes working as a public relations specialist for a big company, organization - or if I'm lucky - maybe even a celebrity :) Trust & honesty means the world to me. We can't be friends if I can't trust you and if we can't be honest with eachother. That's just not a healthy friendship. I have a very strong belief in 'keeping it real' . & not to boost my own ego or anything, but I've been told I do a hell of a job when it comes to that. I dislike loud people who find the need to always scream no matter what time of day it is (sit down somewhere) & people who always find themselves in fights/arguments, especially girls - that's not even attractive. Smokers? Egh =/ Go that way please. I'm just me; No more - NO less. I party. I dress. I am educated. I dance. I perform. I am selfish. I am truthful. I am outgoing. I live life. I love. I break hearts. I cry. I smile. What's mine is mine, & what's yours is mine. I RUN this. .