Monday, April 5, 2010

The Unspoken Truth (My Truth)

Ciao. I go by the name of Bella, however, close friends & family have tendency to call me DaniShay. I'm a teen far beyond average and way too advanced for one's age, I'll admit. I'm very mature, however, your only as old as you want to be. I've been told I have a smile that can light up a room any time of day (million dollar smile) & yes, I am ALWAYS smiling - literally always. I love to laugh & make jokes; heyy - I like to live a little; Oh & I'm crazy but we won't get into that. ANYWAYS, I'm a student and a performer. I enjoy participating in/watching shows of all sorts - such as dance, musical theater, or fashion. I have a special love for music and dance; that's my way of expressing myself through words and movement. I recently was introduced to a 'new love' which is musical theater, and I absolutely love it. My passion for fashion will always be my first love, above ALL - that's my way of expressing myself without words. I wouldn't say life is great, but you live and you learn. I've made mistakes in which I have learned from, but I believe that as long as you don't make the same mistake twice your on the right track (however, I've did that too - smh). Life has had it's up's and down's but I've learned to live with the good and the bad. I don't really believe in the term "friends" however, there are about 5 people, that I truly do consider REAL friends & they know who they are (shoutouts to you guys!) I like to write, not like poems or anything, but just about my feelings and emotions in general. I aspire to become a physician assistant and live in a big house with a pool in my backyard (holllaaa) ; however, if that dosen't work out, you will find me behind the scenes working as a public relations specialist for a big company, organization - or if I'm lucky - maybe even a celebrity :) Trust & honesty means the world to me. We can't be friends if I can't trust you and if we can't be honest with eachother. That's just not a healthy friendship. I have a very strong belief in 'keeping it real' . & not to boost my own ego or anything, but I've been told I do a hell of a job when it comes to that. I dislike loud people who find the need to always scream no matter what time of day it is (sit down somewhere) & people who always find themselves in fights/arguments, especially girls - that's not even attractive. Smokers? Egh =/ Go that way please. I'm just me; No more - NO less. I party. I dress. I am educated. I dance. I perform. I am selfish. I am truthful. I am outgoing. I live life. I love. I break hearts. I cry. I smile. What's mine is mine, & what's yours is mine. I RUN this. .

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